Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Junky Shit

Earl Dukuo here. I'm Greg Scott's best friend. Or so he says. He lies sometimes. Wait, that's me, I'm the one who lies. I'm a fucking junky, a jucking funky. And I just took a typical {junk sick" shit. Taking the shit--massive, warm, and bowel-clearing--made me think about my body. The junky's body. Every junky's body. Everybody's junky. Sitting there on the pot enjoying the release, I realized how important THE BODY is to the junky. Heroin causes constipation. It can be severe at times. A buddy of mine, a guy I used to boost with, he had to have his shit taken our surgically. Yeah, surgical defecation. They removed four pounds of fecal matter from his bowels, intestines overflowing. He coulda died. Kinda wish he woulda. Years later he fucked me over on a wire lick, left me holding the bag, so to speak. Fuck him and his surgically removed shit.

Anyway, junk is a way of life. Or so Burroughs said. One thing's for sure, though: It not only affects your body, it becomes your body. Junkies are transfixed by their bodily functions. We think about our body every minute, constantly monitoring what's happening with it. How's the pulse? The bowels? The lower back? My breathing okay? How's the abscess? My veins punching out or shrinking up? It's a constant surveillance system. I don't know which comes first, the obsession with physical functioning or the heroin. Either way, they reinforce each other. Once you're a junky, your self surveillance reaches new heights. Every six hours you're consuming a substance that profoundly changes your body, usually taking you from sick to well, but rarely getting you high. That's another myth ... junkies sit around nodding all day long. Shit, not anymore, maybe in the first few months. Now I shoot this shit just to feel normal, to feel the way other people seem to feel without the aid and assit of H. Feeling normal, taking a good, normal shit. That's all I get from each of the four or five bags I run (mainline) every day.

I'm as addicted to the back and forth of sick to well as I am to the heroin itself. It's the roller coaster ride I love ... going from calm to tense to scared and back to calm. It's not just the thrill, it's the anticipation of the thrill, and it's the falling off the thrill. Even being sick gives me a distorted sense of comfort. Addiction is a many-sided thing. You got the junk, you got the process of getting the junk, the process of injecting it, all the rituals surrounding enjoying it, and then the sick-well pendulum. All of it combined ... lifestyle. Junk is a way of life. Maybe that old, bitter, sad sack of flesh Burroughs made a good point.

One of the only things that makes me feel good when I'm junk sick, going through withdrawal, is taking the kind of shit I just took.  That sort of intestinal evacuation comes along very rarely.  But when it hits, man, when the bowels start rumbling and getting to the toilet couldn't happen fast enough, it redeems the whole sick experience.

How often do you think about your shit?

Thanks, Greg. Shout out to ya for letting me write in your blog. Killer Soul. --E. Dukuo

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Presentation of the Addicted Self in Everyday and Extraordinary Life Situations

Everyone knows an addict. A drug addict, specifically. But many people often don't know that a drug addict travels in the same orbit they do. But when an addict's particular addiction comes to light, when someone discovers her addiction, how do we expect the addict to present herself? The presentation of self in everyday life, a la sociologist Erving Goffman, stands sentry at the gates of scholarship on the topic. In this entry I want to tease out some of the finer points of an addict's presentation of self in relation to others, especially the allegedly non-addicted, "high functioning," and "normal" people who surround her.

In our everyday interactions, we attempt to maintain "coherence," or integration of our identity as it plays out on the stage of interaction with others and as it unfolds behind closed doors, where only our most intimate others might observe us (if even them). And we also work very hard in our interactions to develop a mutually agreeable "definition of the situation." In short, we strive to present ourselves as coherent, integrated beings and convince others that the way we have defined ourselves, as evidenced by self presentation, is the correct way for them to define us, too. All of this is to say that defining the situation and our relative character and character roles requires interaction and a tacit contract of understanding between and among the parties. Discordance and conflict arises when one party views the other as incoherent, as somehow insufficiently integrated as an actor in the situation. The "bum" on the street or the strung out addict, for example, present to us incoherent selves. Their begging entails references to unemployment, or military service, or other creditable endeavors, but the problem is that these references evoke grand, even noble, enterprises entirely contraindicated by this person's presentation of self (e.g., Soldiers are strong and dignified and therefore could not look like this). Now, when a person's self-presentation deviates from how we define the situation, we'll let them off the hook as long as their presentation of self bears witness or evinces attachment to some greater, more ostensible upright and proper frame or context. The recovering addict, now clean and sober, who stands before us talking about how his service in Vietnam brought him into a world of heroin, which led to a 20-year career as a junky, is acceptable to us because it allows us to conclude that the soldier's willpower, stamina, moxie, and perseverance (the noble qualities of the good soldier) permitted his recovery. At this point we conclude that the stated addiction, although 20 years in length, was a "blip," a misstep, a minor setback in his overall moral trajectory.

Junkies must display characteristics associated with creditable concerns, enterprises, and/or ideologies in order for us to accept what they're saying about themselves or anything else. In short, the junky must be "recovering," abstinent, even abstemious. The junk must be in the past, and we must agree with the junky's definition of himself as a being capable of KEEPING the junk in the past. All of this requires a great deal of work on the junky's part, for he must convince us to gamble on a racehorse who broke its leg two years ago. If the junky's presentation of self fails to marshal evidence of puritanical washing, cleansing, or attachment, then we dismiss the junky as "just a fucking junky." Or maybe we allow our knee-jerk liberal sensibilities to lead us down the pity path: Oh, I feel so sorry for this victim of society. Even when the junky assumes full responsibility for his actions (which we expect of ALL junkies, recovering or active), we deny him this right by citing "push factors" such as a bad family, growing up in a bad neighborhood, and/or other forms of victimization that propelled this otherwise noble character into bad ways. Academicians, scholars, who study heroin users tend to adopt this paradigm, swallowing it hook, line, and sinker. Society created this junky. Inadvertently, however, the professor has stripped the junky of what might be the only source of capital he has left, the only area of life over which he feels even a modicum of control: His addiction to junk.

When an active junky appears before us, we notice the track marks, the stigmata. Or we note the mannerisms we associate with deviance (shiftiness, inadequate eye contact, etc.), and we telecast our disapproval verbally and non-verbally. This makes things awkward. But if the active junky says the right things and acts just the right way, we'll agree on the situation and allow the junky to assume the role he's trying to assume. This is a rare occasion. Typically, the junky's behavior (actions, speech, etc.) will be held accountable to his "master status" of JUNKY. So if he's being particularly generous or helpful or polite, we conclude that he's running game, pulling a con, taking us for a ride, or at least trying to. But oh, we're too smart to let him get away with that. If, on the other hand, he's engaged in bad behavior, if he's stealing or lying or just "treacherin'", then we say, "That's exactly what I expected of a fucking junky." Either way, the junky is held accountable for BEING a junky. No matter what he does, good or bad, it's a result of his desire to advance his cause AS a junky. It's a no-win situation.

What's the most shameful thing you've ever done? Cheated on a lover, partner, or spouse? Have you killed someone? Have you told a lie with huge implications? Have you gotten an enemy unfairly fired? Whatever it is, imagine that for the rest of your life, all of your behaviors and words will be taken as evidence that you ARE what you did. A confusion of act and being. Imagine that you will forever be held accountable for the action, but more so for BEING the actor who naturally succumbed to the implacable evil that dwells within you.

Imagine: You are a junky.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Everyone is a junky

Everyone is a junky.  A junkie.  Hooked on junk.  The only question is, What is the junk?

Would anyone read this blog?


Saturday, February 2, 2008

LIving in the Home of Junkies

Eight years ago I began living with, filming, researching, and writing about "junkies" on Chicago's west side and in Cicero, a highly urban suburb adjacent to Chicago. My first contact with this particular addict community occurred through a health promotion program called the Chicago Recovery Alliance, which provides many street-level services, including sterile syringe exchange.

Soon after becoming a CRA volunteer, the Executive Director asked me to assume the unpaid post "Director of Research." I readily and happily agreed. That's how this phase of my "life with junk" began. Since January 2001 I have become a professional junky ... a sociologist filmmaker who prefers his "family" of heroin addicts, crackheads, and prostitutes to just about any other group of people. In this blog I will reflect on the days and ways of "dope fiend life" and on how the people I have come to know, to love, and occasionally to detest have figured into my life, and how I have figured into theirs.

On occasion my "friends" will post their own accounts through the poetry, short stories, films, and photographs they create. I want this blog to serve as conduit for their communication to you.

To paraphrase and possibly bastardize William T. Vollmann, I make a living out of putting myself in extreme situations wherein fellow humans face seemingly implacable adverse forces, and then I try to make sense of it all. Only in these moments of shame, degradation, loathing, fear, and defilement am I really able to grasp, understand, or comprehend how humans in general operate as a species endowed with a capacity for moral calculation.

Extreme situations constitute the "laboratory" in which I attempt to learn about the nature, extent and range, typology, application, and distortions of morality. Only here, on these streets, in this "pay by the hour" motel room on Madison Street where I'm currently holed up with two hookers, a copper wire thief, and a strung out heroin dealer, can I begin to make sense of it all.

This is not a subculture. The term "subculture" presupposes, entymologically speaking, the undisputed existence of a primary article, i.e., dominant culture. Not once in my entire sociological career, which admittedly spans only 20 years, have I encountered a satisfactory definition or delineation of the "dominant culture" that we "mainstream" people presumably share. Culture is an outcome, and it's a dynamic, ever-changing one at that. It's the "Y variable" in a regression equation; it's the dependent variable explainable, they say, via manipulation of theoretically specified indepedent variables, or factors. Ultimately, culture consists of the over-determined series of adaptions humans mount when dealilng with material and symbolic conditions whose existence they cannot eradicate, dismiss, control, or otherwise manipulate. So if there is no single, unifying, overarching or undergirding CULTURE, then there can be no sub-culture.

Finally, the term subculture implies inferiority, or at least subservience. Once you get to know any network, confederation, or community of addicts, you'll find that their cultural systems have more in common with traditional notions of culture than not. Powerful stakeholders, especially in the media, often work very hard to obscure these similarities, because, let's face it, the crafting of representations is big business. And in the media, profit lives and breathes on the iron lung of advertising. So the more lurid, caricatured, outrageous, and provocative the representation, the more likely people will consume it. And if they're consuming the representation, then they're a captive audience during the break for "station identification and a word from our sponsors."

A good junky is a horrifying junky. We want to see what we expect to see in representations of junkies and junky culture. But I'm going to spend a fair amount of time and expend significant energy in this blog demonstrating to you how similar the junky and straight worlds really are. In fact, I'll show you how the junky world not only parallels the straight world but represents a magnification and intensification of the straight world's fundamental tenets. Put simply, there is a junky in every one of us. Every community and culture bears the seeds of junkville. The world of the junky is our world, laid bare like a dessicated worm on sun-scorched pavement. Junky culture is ugly only to the extent that mainstream culture is hideous.

In room #4 at the Grand Motel, the porn channel runs constantly. The channel knob is lodged in place. A dear friend by the name of Earl Dukuo, a solid Indiana corn-fed fella, sits next to me, fishing for vein in his upper arm with a BD syringe, 1/2", 28 gauge. Tonight's delivery: A jab of rock (13 "dime" bags) and 1 full oz. of wholesale-cut (i.e., pretty strong) white powder heroin. Earl threw some Dorman's back pills on the dope, stepped it out, bagged up, and now it's time to test out the product before the customers get here. Earl, Big Hands Lucy, Copper Kyle, and me, 2:30 Dirty (my nickname), are shooting dice, a game called 10,000 ... and if you've got any experience with crack, you know how soothing that game can be. Okay, gotta roll ... I'm up next.

--"2:30 dirty", aka Greg Scott, Sawbuck Productions

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